(Tesis S2 Magister Manajemen, UKSW  Salatiga)
Telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Internasional Entrepreneurship
di Universitas Ciputera, Surabaya, Juli 2012.
Author         : Jola Pollatu/Labok; 
Pembimbing : Dr. Sri Sulandjari; 

Entrepreneurial process has been done by many Churches for the social purpose. But, in reality the process leads to the business purposes. Only a small part of Churches has declared that his entrepreneurial processes are for business purpose, mostly use the word diakonia (social services) for the process. The Churches still in the struggle to establish a Christian paradigm of entrepreneurship. Until now, they have not found a Christian pattern/model of entrepreneurship. Therefore, this study aimed to find a model of Christian entrepreneurship.
Shop of Bethel Church in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia

Jola Pollatu and Her Husband
Christian concept of entrepreneurship is a Christian viewpoint of a spiritual entrepreneurship concept.  Spiritual entrepreneurship can be define as an activity at creating and organization with a universal outlook that fosters a spiritual program, recognize existing opportunities and needs within its environment, by engaging in a process of innovation and adaptation despite limited resources. From Christian viewpoint entrepreneurship is interpret as a creativity and innovation aspects of the religious dimension in which God as creator delegate the man to manage and maintain the nature efficient and effectively in creative and innovative way so that bring in a welfare for generations. It is the root of Theospreneurship concept. God in His work has been sent Christ into the world to do the work of salvation for mankind. Christ undertakes social works for the salvation of mankind. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God has delegate the man who is a glorious creation to continue the works of Christ for the nature-human-government as well as developing their talents. It is the root of Christopreneurship concept. Finally, the Bible (as the source of wisdom and knowledge) is a philosophical foundation of Christian entrepreneurial model and the Christianity dogmatic is the basis for developing the talents, knowledge and technology in order to upgrade the physical and spiritual quality of life, and to realize the better life of future world.
Key words:  Entrepreneurship, Spiritual Entrepreneurship, Theospreneurship, Christopreneurship